Topper Cranes can be rigged without a processor, with the ELAUT microcontroller, as so with most Eurograb machines.Topper Cranes have become a dying breed of claw machines in recent years due to their age and arcades wanting more modern claw machines, such as EX1 or Eclaw.The MK3 Topper consists of a Eurograb PCB, like the MK2 one, the only differences are that the movement, up/down, and lose sound effects are updated yet again, it is unknown when the MK3 Topper box was implemented on Topper Cranes, most likely in 1998 due to the up/down and lose sound effects being used on Cash Casino, which was released the same year. The MK2 box consisted of a coin insert sound effect (updated) updated beeping sounds and up/down sound effects, as well as a new lose sound effect, which resembled a laughing robot, the win music was also updated and says "WOAH YEAH" The attract music is "The Jungle Book Groove" from The Jungle Book. The MK2 Topper box was first introduced in 1994, it has an ELAUT "Eurograb" PCB, which can be found on all ELAUT cranes from Candy Man up until Eye Catcher. What is often misconceived as the MK1 Topper Crane consists of a coin insert sound effect (plays at different pitches dependant on what coins you insert) movement sound effects (beeping) up/down sound effects, a lose tune, a win tune, and the attract music which is "My Darling Clementine" It is unknown when this model was implemented on Topper Cranes, possibly late 1980s/early 1990s. later models consisted of different beeping sounds, and even coin insert sound effects, win or lose tunes, and attract soundtracks. Some early Topper Cranes do not have audio or have the beeping sound heard on some some Good Luck machines. They can be found in 1, 2, 4 player (Quattro) and even Low Boy form.

The Topper Crane was manufactured by ELAUT and was first released in 1988.